Tuesday 21 May 2019

Friday 17 May 2019

601-605 Mrs G - Homework for Tuesday 21 May

Improve your pronunciation of words from your oral on Hawaii.

At the back of the grading scheme that I gave to you on Friday, you all have a list of mispronounced words from your oral.

1) Go to an online dictionary where you can listen to the correct pronunciation of each word that you have mispronounced. Ex, this dictionary: https://www.wordreference.com

2) Practise repeating the correct pronunciation with your best accent.

3) Go to this online recording tool (yes, I'm trying a new one again!) https://www.lelivrescolaire.fr/labo-langues

4) Record the appropriate pronunciation of each word invidually.

5) THEN, record a sentence or a short paragraph using each word (with the correct pronunciation) to speak about the Hawaii lesson.

6) Send the audio to me.

7) If the recorder does not work, use your phones, as usual, to record your audio.

For example, you have mispronounced the words "studied" and "diversity". Record each word individually then record this sentence with your best accent "We have studied documents that show the diversity of Hawaii."

Tuesday 14 May 2019

National geographic