Wednesday 29 January 2020

1e LLCE - Mrs G - Homework for Tuesday 4 February

1) Have a look at the coloured poster of your concept note.

A poster for Merian C. Cooper's 1933 'King Kong'

2) Watch this video and work on the concept with the other documents handed out in class.
Come prepare with a detailed outline.

Video for Thursday 6th February 705 Mrs Mroz

Tuesday 28 January 2020

501 Ms Baratou  What does rap mean?
 for Thursday January 30th 
Watch the video again 

Thursday 23 January 2020

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Monday 20 January 2020

Listening practice fro exams
Watch the following video 3 times. 
 Then take 10 minutes to write an account in French
 that you will hand in to your teacher.
Click on the link below:

Sunday 19 January 2020

701-705 - Mrs G's pupils - Homework for Thursday 23 January

Watch these two videos and take as many notes as you can.
Be ready to explain them in class: topic? common points? differences? what do they show about working in India today? for minorities? for women? etc.

Friday 17 January 2020

Spé LLCE - Mrs G - Homework for Wednesday 22 January

Listen to the audio or watch the video assigned to you.
Take notes of all the information you understand and be ready to explain it in class tomorrow.

Group A: Arnaud, Clémentine, Eléonore, Mathis, Juliette, Antoine
Group B: Thessa, Sanjiv, Mathilde, Djeneba, Ikbal, Jean-Pierre


If the audio above does not work. You can go directly to this address and listen to the audio until about 1'40 "... entirely impossible."

**Group B: VIDEO on the DODO**

Direct link:

Thursday 16 January 2020

Tuesday 14 January 2020

701-705 - Mrs G's pupils - homework for Thursday 16 January

Watch the last part of the video again and write the appropriation punctuation in the script given to you on Tuesday. Use your logic!

Monday 13 January 2020

606 - Mrs G's pupils - Speaking Exercise

Homework for Thursday 16 January.

1) Watch this video from 3'23 to 3'48. (Of course, feel free to watch the ENTIRE video as well!!!)
2) Identify what the topic is.
3) Karaoke time! Listen and repeat with your best accent:
3'23-3'29 > “A lot of immigrant parents and immigrant families came to this country feeling grateful, feeling like they hit the jackpot. […]
3'40-3'48 > They wanted us to have a good future and they wanted us to become educated and be able to speak our minds and live in a true democracy.”
4) Of course, go in a dictionary to check for unknown vocabulary.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

1e LLCE - Mrs G - Homework for Tuesday 14 January

1) Watch the video below to learn about Sir Edmund Hillary's and Tensing Norgay's feat.

2) Find your group below and go to the website given to you. Browse the website and take notes about the history, purpose and current activity of the association. Be ready to explain.

Group 1: Arnaud, Sanjiv, Eléonore, Thessa, Antoine, Mathilde =>

Group 2: Clémentine, Ikbal, Djeneba, Juliette, Mathis =>

Tuesday 7 January 2020

604 Video for Wednesday 7th January

701-705 - Mrs G's pupils - FOR 14 JANUARY

Homework for Tuesday 14 January

1) Watch this video and take notes. Look at the date of the video and react to it. Rephrase in a few sentences what it is about.

Click here to watch the video:

2) Visit this website and take notes about it > what is it about?

3) WRITE a blog page about "Living in India" using all the information you have learnt so far about life in India. Respect the style of the blog (enthusiastic, exclamations, etc.) and write about 250 words. This can be done as a pairwork and will be collected for correction and grading.

701 - for Mrs Charonnat's pupils

Watch the following videos and take notes. Be ready to use the information you understood.

Video about Dalit Millionaires
Powerful Women

701-705 - Mrs G's pupils - VIDEO

Watch these videos and take notes.
Be ready to recap the information according to the instructions that your teacher will give you in class.